HBA (Hope for Bright Africa) is aiming to promoting the integral human development of women, youths, and people living with disabilities.

Hope for Bright Africa is a non-profit Community based organization (CBO) that was inspired by the idea of Mr. Bugashane Plaisir, in the year 2020, in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya. Kakuma refugee camp is a camp, located in West-Turkana, Rift Valley, in the Republic of Kenya, that was established in 1992; And welcomed refugees from different nationalities especially Sudanese and Somali. Today is a home to many refugees, who have been leaving their home countries due to, war, and conflict that was threatening their lives. Kakuma and Kalobeyei settlement accommodate almost 202.996 refugees from different countries, such as Somali, South-Sudan, Sudan, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, and Ethiopia etc.

HBA is aiming to empowering and equip women, youths and people living with disabilities, with skills in Leadership, Gender equality, Sexual and Gender Based Violence, vocational trainings, and soft skills that may help them create resilience in them and make them be successful at making income. As we believe that women, youths and people living with disabilities are agents of their own change, we believe that through these skills they will influence changes for their lives and to the lives of people around them, and to the entire Africa. Moreover, these skills will let them gain an understanding of their rights and prepare them to work towards a brighter future and making them competent leaders who will be promoting social inclusion for future generations.

HBA is welcoming women, youths, and people living with disabilities through its many support programs, and promotes social inclusion by bringing host communities and the afore mentioned groups of individuals together.


Our Vision

We envision creating a society where people living with disabilities, Women, and Youths are taking part in Decision Making.

Our Mission

Our Mission is of empowering and advocating for people living with disabilities, Women, and Youths to own their rights and taking them through Educational training to see the world in a positive perspective by 2040.

Core Values

  • Honesty,
  • Teamwork 
  • Inclusion
  • Accountability 
  • Respect of cultural diversity 


Our Numbers that speak!

We have numbers that push us to provide the services in our best and make sure that we break our own records through the monthly contributions. We are happy to be growing and helping our as much as we can at this stage.

Members in Kenya
0 +
Clients reached
0 +


Support us and change the course of women, youth and disabled's life today!


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Kakuma2, Zone1, Block7
(+254)706 489 237